Preparing report...

Report for

A+    Excellent!    Found 106 issues across 140 files



Gofmt formats Go programs. We run gofmt -s on your code, where -s is for the "simplify" command


go vet examines Go source code and reports suspicious constructs, such as Printf calls whose arguments do not align with the format string.

No problems detected. Good job!


Gocyclo calculates cyclomatic complexities of functions in Go source code. The cyclomatic complexity of a function is calculated according to the following rules: 1 is the base complexity of a function +1 for each 'if', 'for', 'case', '&&' or '||' Go Report Card warns on functions with cyclomatic complexity > 15.


Golint is a linter for Go source code.

    • cellnet/peer/procbundle.go
    • Line 8: warning: comment on exported type MessagePoster should be of the form "MessagePoster ..." (with optional leading article) (golint)
    • Line 15: warning: exported type CoreProcBundle should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 21: warning: exported method CoreProcBundle.GetBundle should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 21: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 25: warning: exported method CoreProcBundle.SetTransmitter should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 25: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 29: warning: exported method CoreProcBundle.SetHooker should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 29: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 33: warning: exported method CoreProcBundle.SetCallback should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 33: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 37: warning: error var notHandled should have name of the form errFoo (golint)
    • Line 39: warning: exported method CoreProcBundle.ReadMessage should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 39: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 48: warning: exported method CoreProcBundle.SendMessage should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 48: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 59: warning: exported method CoreProcBundle.ProcEvent should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 59: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • cellnet/util/packet.go
    • Line 12: warning: exported var ErrMaxPacket should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 22: warning: comment on exported function RecvLTVPacket should be of the form "RecvLTVPacket ..." (golint)
    • Line 76: warning: comment on exported function SendLTVPacket should be of the form "SendLTVPacket ..." (golint)
    • cellnet/protoc-gen-msg/file.go
    • Line 48: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 52: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 62: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • cellnet/peer.go
    • Line 3: warning: comment on exported type Peer should be of the form "Peer ..." (with optional leading article) (golint)
    • Line 15: warning: comment on exported type PeerProperty should be of the form "PeerProperty ..." (with optional leading article) (golint)
    • Line 33: warning: comment on exported type GenericPeer should be of the form "GenericPeer ..." (with optional leading article) (golint)
    • Line 39: warning: comment on exported type ContextSet should be of the form "ContextSet ..." (with optional leading article) (golint)
    • Line 51: warning: comment on exported type SessionAccessor should be of the form "SessionAccessor ..." (with optional leading article) (golint)
    • Line 67: warning: comment on exported type PeerReadyChecker should be of the form "PeerReadyChecker ..." (with optional leading article) (golint)
    • Line 72: warning: comment on exported type PeerCaptureIOPanic should be of the form "PeerCaptureIOPanic ..." (with optional leading article) (golint)
    • cellnet/tests/echo_test.go
    • Line 47: warning: don't use underscores in Go names; func echo_StartServer should be echoStartServer (golint)
    • Line 77: warning: don't use underscores in Go names; func echo_StartClient should be echoStartClient (golint)
    • cellnet/util/codec.go
    • Line 11: warning: comment on exported function StringHash should be of the form "StringHash ..." (golint)
    • Line 24: warning: comment on exported function BytesMD5 should be of the form "BytesMD5 ..." (golint)
    • Line 31: warning: comment on exported function StringMD5 should be of the form "StringMD5 ..." (golint)
    • Line 36: warning: comment on exported function CompressBytes should be of the form "CompressBytes ..." (golint)
    • Line 52: warning: comment on exported function DecompressBytes should be of the form "DecompressBytes ..." (golint)
    • cellnet/peer/sesidentify.go
    • Line 3: warning: exported type CoreSessionIdentify should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 7: warning: exported method CoreSessionIdentify.ID should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 7: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 11: warning: exported method CoreSessionIdentify.SetID should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 11: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • cellnet/session.go
    • Line 3: warning: comment on exported type Session should be of the form "Session ..." (with optional leading article) (golint)
    • Line 22: warning: comment on exported type RawPacket should be of the form "RawPacket ..." (with optional leading article) (golint)
    • Line 28: warning: exported method RawPacket.Message should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 28: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • cellnet/peer/http/respond_status.go
    • Line 5: warning: exported type StatusRespond should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 9: warning: exported method StatusRespond.WriteRespond should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 9: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • cellnet/proc/procbundle.go
    • Line 7: warning: comment on exported type ProcessorBundle should be of the form "ProcessorBundle ..." (with optional leading article) (golint)
    • Line 20: warning: comment on exported function NewQueuedEventCallback should be of the form "NewQueuedEventCallback ..." (golint)
    • Line 33: warning: comment on exported type MultiHooker should be of the form "MultiHooker ..." (with optional leading article) (golint)
    • Line 36: warning: exported method MultiHooker.OnInboundEvent should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 36: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 50: warning: exported method MultiHooker.OnOutboundEvent should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 50: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 64: warning: exported function NewMultiHooker should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • cellnet/peer/redisparam.go
    • Line 3: warning: exported type CoreRedisParameter should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 9: warning: exported method CoreRedisParameter.Init should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 9: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 13: warning: exported method CoreRedisParameter.SetPassword should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 13: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 17: warning: exported method CoreRedisParameter.SetDBIndex should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 17: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 21: warning: exported method CoreRedisParameter.SetConnectionCount should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 21: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • cellnet/event.go
    • Line 3: warning: comment on exported type RecvMsgEvent should be of the form "RecvMsgEvent ..." (with optional leading article) (golint)
    • Line 9: warning: exported method RecvMsgEvent.Session should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 9: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 13: warning: exported method RecvMsgEvent.Message should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 13: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 17: warning: exported method RecvMsgEvent.Send should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 17: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 21: warning: comment on exported method RecvMsgEvent.Reply should be of the form "Reply ..." (golint)
    • Line 22: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 26: warning: comment on exported type SendMsgEvent should be of the form "SendMsgEvent ..." (with optional leading article) (golint)
    • Line 32: warning: exported method SendMsgEvent.Message should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 32: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 36: warning: exported method SendMsgEvent.Session should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 36: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 40: warning: comment on exported type ReplyEvent should be of the form "ReplyEvent ..." (with optional leading article) (golint)
    • cellnet/relay/relay.go
    • Line 10: warning: exported var ErrInvalidPeerSession should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 13: warning: comment on exported function Relay should be of the form "Relay ..." (golint)
    • cellnet/rpc/util.go
    • Line 9: warning: exported var ErrInvalidPeerSession should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 13: warning: exported type RPCSessionGetter should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • cellnet/benchmark/main.go
    • Line 98: warning: exported type TestEchoACK should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 103: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • cellnet/peer/socketoption.go
    • Line 8: warning: exported type CoreTCPSocketOption should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 18: warning: exported method CoreTCPSocketOption.SetSocketBuffer should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 18: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 24: warning: exported method CoreTCPSocketOption.SetSocketDeadline should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 24: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 30: warning: exported method CoreTCPSocketOption.SetMaxPacketSize should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 30: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 34: warning: exported method CoreTCPSocketOption.MaxPacketSize should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 34: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 39: warning: exported method CoreTCPSocketOption.ApplySocketOption should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 39: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 56: warning: exported method CoreTCPSocketOption.ApplySocketReadTimeout should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 56: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 70: warning: exported method CoreTCPSocketOption.ApplySocketWriteTimeout should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 70: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 83: warning: exported method CoreTCPSocketOption.Init should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 83: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • cellnet/pipe.go
    • Line 7: warning: comment on exported type Pipe should be of the form "Pipe ..." (with optional leading article) (golint)
    • Line 14: warning: comment on exported method Pipe.Add should be of the form "Add ..." (golint)
    • Line 15: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 23: warning: exported method Pipe.Count should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 23: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 29: warning: exported method Pipe.Reset should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 29: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 35: warning: comment on exported method Pipe.Pick should be of the form "Pick ..." (golint)
    • Line 36: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 66: warning: exported function NewPipe should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • cellnet/processor.go
    • Line 3: warning: comment on exported type Event should be of the form "Event ..." (with optional leading article) (golint)
    • Line 13: warning: comment on exported type MessageTransmitter should be of the form "MessageTransmitter ..." (with optional leading article) (golint)
    • Line 23: warning: comment on exported type EventHooker should be of the form "EventHooker ..." (with optional leading article) (golint)
    • Line 33: warning: comment on exported type EventCallback should be of the form "EventCallback ..." (with optional leading article) (golint)
    • cellnet/proc/msgdispatcher.go
    • Line 9: warning: comment on exported type MessageDispatcher should be of the form "MessageDispatcher ..." (with optional leading article) (golint)
    • Line 15: warning: exported method MessageDispatcher.OnEvent should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 15: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 37: warning: exported method MessageDispatcher.Exists should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 37: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 50: warning: exported method MessageDispatcher.RegisterMessage should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 50: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 63: warning: exported function NewMessageDispatcher should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 70: warning: exported function NewMessageDispatcherBindPeer should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • cellnet/rpc/req.go
    • Line 21: warning: exported var ErrTimeout should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 23: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 29: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • cellnet/peer/tcp/acceptor.go
    • Line 26: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 34: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 40: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 70: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 82: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 115: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 130: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 150: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • cellnet/codec/codecreg.go
    • Line 10: warning: comment on exported function RegisterCodec should be of the form "RegisterCodec ..." (golint)
    • Line 20: warning: comment on exported function GetCodec should be of the form "GetCodec ..." (golint)
    • Line 50: warning: comment on exported function MustGetCodec should be of the form "MustGetCodec ..." (golint)
    • cellnet/peer/udp/connector.go
    • Line 22: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 38: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 42: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 47: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 80: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 89: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • cellnet/peer/peerprop.go
    • Line 5: warning: exported type CorePeerProperty should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 11: warning: comment on exported method CorePeerProperty.Name should be of the form "Name ..." (golint)
    • Line 12: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 16: warning: comment on exported method CorePeerProperty.Queue should be of the form "Queue ..." (golint)
    • Line 17: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 21: warning: comment on exported method CorePeerProperty.Address should be of the form "Address ..." (golint)
    • Line 22: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 27: warning: exported method CorePeerProperty.SetName should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 27: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 31: warning: exported method CorePeerProperty.SetQueue should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 31: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 35: warning: exported method CorePeerProperty.SetAddress should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 35: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • cellnet/util/kvfile.go
    • Line 8: warning: comment on exported function ReadKVFile should be of the form "ReadKVFile ..." (golint)
    • Line 54: warning: exported type KVPair should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 59: warning: comment on exported function ReadKVFileValues should be of the form "ReadKVFileValues ..." (golint)
    • cellnet/peer/property.go
    • Line 13: warning: comment on exported type CoreContextSet should be of the form "CoreContextSet ..." (with optional leading article) (golint)
    • Line 19: warning: exported method CoreContextSet.FetchContext should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 19: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 64: warning: exported method CoreContextSet.GetContext should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 64: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 78: warning: exported method CoreContextSet.SetContext should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 78: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • cellnet/peer/runningtag.go
    • Line 8: warning: comment on exported type CoreRunningTag should be of the form "CoreRunningTag ..." (with optional leading article) (golint)
    • Line 18: warning: exported method CoreRunningTag.IsRunning should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 18: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 23: warning: exported method CoreRunningTag.SetRunning should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 23: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 33: warning: exported method CoreRunningTag.WaitStopFinished should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 33: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 38: warning: exported method CoreRunningTag.IsStopping should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 38: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 42: warning: exported method CoreRunningTag.StartStopping should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 42: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 47: warning: exported method CoreRunningTag.EndStopping should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 47: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • cellnet/tests/relay_test.go
    • Line 15: warning: don't use underscores in Go names; const relayClientToAgent_Address should be relayClientToAgentAddress (golint)
    • Line 16: warning: don't use underscores in Go names; const relayBackendToAgent_Address should be relayBackendToAgentAddress (golint)
    • Line 22: warning: don't use underscores in Go names; var relay_Signal should be relaySignal (golint)
    • Line 23: warning: don't use underscores in Go names; var relay_ClientToAgentAcceptor should be relayClientToAgentAcceptor (golint)
    • Line 24: warning: don't use underscores in Go names; var relay_BackendToAgentConnector should be relayBackendToAgentConnector (golint)
    • Line 25: warning: don't use underscores in Go names; var relay_BackendToAgentAcceptor should be relayBackendToAgentAcceptor (golint)
    • Line 26: warning: don't use underscores in Go names; var relay_Client should be relayClient (golint)
    • Line 29: warning: don't use underscores in Go names; func relay_backend should be relayBackend (golint)
    • Line 50: warning: don't use underscores in Go names; func relay_agent should be relayAgent (golint)
    • Line 118: warning: don't use underscores in Go names; func relay_client should be relayClient (golint)
    • cellnet/peer/http/acceptor.go
    • Line 52: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 60: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 64: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 80: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 111: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 176: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 187: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • cellnet/util/ioutil.go
    • Line 10: warning: comment on exported function WriteFull should be of the form "WriteFull ..." (golint)
    • Line 30: warning: comment on exported function ReadFileLines should be of the form "ReadFileLines ..." (golint)
    • Line 54: warning: comment on exported function FileExists should be of the form "FileExists ..." (golint)
    • Line 64: warning: comment on exported function FileSize should be of the form "FileSize ..." (golint)
    • Line 73: warning: comment on exported function IsEOFOrNetReadError should be of the form "IsEOFOrNetReadError ..." (golint)
    • cellnet/proc/tcp/hooker.go
    • Line 10: warning: comment on exported type MsgHooker should be of the form "MsgHooker ..." (with optional leading article) (golint)
    • Line 14: warning: exported method MsgHooker.OnInboundEvent should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 14: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 43: warning: exported method MsgHooker.OnOutboundEvent should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 43: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • cellnet/peer_http.go
    • Line 8: warning: exported type HTTPAcceptor should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 27: warning: exported type HTTPRequest should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 34: warning: comment on exported type HTTPConnector should be of the form "HTTPConnector ..." (with optional leading article) (golint)
    • Line 40: warning: exported type HTTPSession should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • cellnet/peer_udp.go
    • Line 5: warning: comment on exported type UDPConnector should be of the form "UDPConnector ..." (with optional leading article) (golint)
    • Line 13: warning: comment on exported type UDPAcceptor should be of the form "UDPAcceptor ..." (with optional leading article) (golint)
    • cellnet/peer/redix/connector.go
    • Line 21: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 25: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 29: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 36: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 41: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 57: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 111: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 118: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • cellnet/rpc/event.go
    • Line 8: warning: exported type RecvMsgEvent should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 14: warning: exported method RecvMsgEvent.Session should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 14: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 18: warning: exported method RecvMsgEvent.Message should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 18: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 22: warning: exported method RecvMsgEvent.Queue should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 22: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 28: warning: exported method RecvMsgEvent.Reply should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 28: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • cellnet/peer/udp/acceptor.go
    • Line 11: warning: exported const MaxUDPRecvBuffer should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 30: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 35: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 43: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 73: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 86: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 120: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 140: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 162: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 166: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 170: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 180: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • cellnet/err.go
    • Line 5: warning: exported type Error should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 10: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 19: warning: exported function NewError should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 24: warning: exported function NewErrorContext should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • cellnet/tests/http_test.go
    • Line 97: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 98: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • cellnet/tests/proto.go
    • Line 7: warning: a blank import should be only in a main or test package, or have a comment justifying it (golint)
    • Line 12: warning: exported type TestEchoACK should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 17: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • cellnet/util/addr.go
    • Line 12: warning: comment on exported function SpliteAddress should be of the form "SpliteAddress ..." (golint)
    • Line 32: warning: comment on exported function JoinAddress should be of the form "JoinAddress ..." (golint)
    • Line 37: warning: comment on exported type RemoteAddr should be of the form "RemoteAddr ..." (with optional leading article) (golint)
    • Line 42: warning: comment on exported function GetRemoteAddrss should be of the form "GetRemoteAddrss ..." (golint)
    • Line 56: warning: exported var ErrInvalidPortRange should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 60: warning: comment on exported type Address should be of the form "Address ..." (with optional leading article) (golint)
    • Line 69: warning: comment on exported method Address.HostPortString should be of the form "HostPortString ..." (golint)
    • Line 70: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 75: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 83: warning: comment on exported function ParseAddress should be of the form "ParseAddress ..." (golint)
    • Line 149: warning: comment on exported function DetectPort should be of the form "DetectPort ..." (golint)
    • Line 174: warning: comment on exported function GetLocalIP should be of the form "GetLocalIP ..." (golint)
    • Line 190: warning: comment on exported function GetPrivateIPv4 should be of the form "GetPrivateIPv4 ..." (golint)
    • Line 219: warning: comment on exported function GetPublicIPv6 should be of the form "GetPublicIPv6 ..." (golint)
    • cellnet/codec/msgcodec.go
    • Line 7: warning: comment on exported function EncodeMessage should be of the form "EncodeMessage ..." (golint)
    • Line 29: warning: comment on exported function DecodeMessage should be of the form "DecodeMessage ..." (golint)
    • Line 53: warning: exported function DecodeMessageByType should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 70: warning: comment on exported type CodecRecycler should be of the form "CodecRecycler ..." (with optional leading article) (golint)
    • Line 75: warning: exported function FreeCodecResource should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • cellnet/timer/loop.go
    • Line 9: warning: comment on exported type Loop should be of the form "Loop ..." (with optional leading article) (golint)
    • Line 20: warning: exported method Loop.Running should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 20: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 24: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 34: warning: comment on exported method Loop.Start should be of the form "Start ..." (golint)
    • Line 35: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 48: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 62: warning: exported method Loop.NextLoop should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 62: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 69: warning: exported method Loop.Stop should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 69: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 74: warning: exported method Loop.Resume should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 74: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 79: warning: comment on exported method Loop.Notify should be of the form "Notify ..." (golint)
    • Line 80: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 85: warning: exported method Loop.SetNotifyFunc should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 85: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 90: warning: exported method Loop.NotifyFunc should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 90: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 107: warning: comment on exported function NewLoop should be of the form "NewLoop ..." (golint)
    • cellnet/proc/udp/recv.go
    • Line 9: warning: exported const MTU should have comment (or a comment on this block) or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 16: warning: exported function RecvPacket should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • cellnet/codec/json/json.go
    • Line 13: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 17: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 22: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 29: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • cellnet/meta.go
    • Line 17: warning: comment on exported type MessageMeta should be of the form "MessageMeta ..." (with optional leading article) (golint)
    • Line 28: warning: exported method MessageMeta.TypeName should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 28: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 37: warning: exported method MessageMeta.FullName should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 37: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 51: warning: comment on exported method MessageMeta.NewType should be of the form "NewType ..." (golint)
    • Line 52: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 60: warning: comment on exported method MessageMeta.SetContext should be of the form "SetContext ..." (golint)
    • Line 61: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 82: warning: comment on exported method MessageMeta.GetContext should be of the form "GetContext ..." (golint)
    • Line 83: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 98: warning: comment on exported method MessageMeta.GetContextAsString should be of the form "GetContextAsString ..." (golint)
    • Line 99: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 111: warning: comment on exported method MessageMeta.GetContextAsInt should be of the form "GetContextAsInt ..." (golint)
    • Line 112: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 142: warning: comment on exported function RegisterMessageMeta should be of the form "RegisterMessageMeta ..." (golint)
    • Line 175: warning: comment on exported function MessageMetaByFullName should be of the form "MessageMetaByFullName ..." (golint)
    • Line 184: warning: exported function MessageMetaVisit should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 203: warning: comment on exported function MessageMetaByType should be of the form "MessageMetaByType ..." (golint)
    • Line 221: warning: comment on exported function MessageMetaByMsg should be of the form "MessageMetaByMsg ..." (golint)
    • Line 231: warning: comment on exported function MessageMetaByID should be of the form "MessageMetaByID ..." (golint)
    • Line 240: warning: comment on exported function MessageToName should be of the form "MessageToName ..." (golint)
    • Line 255: warning: exported function MessageToID should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 269: warning: exported function MessageSize should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 291: warning: exported function MessageToString should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • cellnet/examples/chat/proto/msg.go
    • Line 14: warning: exported type ChatREQ should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 18: warning: exported type ChatACK should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 24: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 25: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • cellnet/proc/syncrecv.go
    • Line 9: warning: comment on exported type SyncReceiver should be of the form "SyncReceiver ..." (with optional leading article) (golint)
    • Line 16: warning: comment on exported method SyncReceiver.EventCallback should be of the form "EventCallback ..." (golint)
    • Line 17: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 22: warning: comment on exported method SyncReceiver.Recv should be of the form "Recv ..." (golint)
    • Line 23: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 28: warning: comment on exported method SyncReceiver.WaitMessage should be of the form "WaitMessage ..." (golint)
    • Line 29: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 54: warning: exported function NewSyncReceiver should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • cellnet/rpc/proc.go
    • Line 9: warning: exported type RemoteCallMsg should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 15: warning: exported function ResolveInboundEvent should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 64: warning: exported function ResolveOutboundEvent should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • cellnet/peer/http/connector.go
    • Line 19: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 24: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 45: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 96: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • cellnet/msglog/proc.go
    • Line 8: warning: comment on exported type PacketMessagePeeker should be of the form "PacketMessagePeeker ..." (with optional leading article) (golint)
    • Line 13: warning: exported function WriteRecvLogger should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 36: warning: exported function WriteSendLogger should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • cellnet/proc/tcp/transmitter.go
    • Line 10: warning: exported type TCPMessageTransmitter should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 19: warning: exported method TCPMessageTransmitter.OnRecvMessage should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 43: warning: exported method TCPMessageTransmitter.OnSendMessage should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • cellnet/peer/iopanic.go
    • Line 3: warning: exported type CoreCaptureIOPanic should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 7: warning: exported method CoreCaptureIOPanic.EnableCaptureIOPanic should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 7: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 11: warning: exported method CoreCaptureIOPanic.CaptureIOPanic should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 11: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • cellnet/peer/tcp/syncconn.go
    • Line 21: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 31: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 56: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 60: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 64: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 68: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 72: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 80: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 85: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • cellnet/codec/gogopb/gogopb.go
    • Line 13: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 17: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 21: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 27: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • cellnet/queue.go
    • Line 11: warning: comment on exported type EventQueue should be of the form "EventQueue ..." (with optional leading article) (golint)
    • Line 32: warning: exported type CapturePanicNotifyFunc should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 45: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 50: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 55: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 65: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 81: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 117: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 123: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 127: warning: comment on exported function NewEventQueue should be of the form "NewEventQueue ..." (golint)
    • Line 142: warning: comment on exported function SessionQueuedCall should be of the form "SessionQueuedCall ..." (golint)
    • Line 154: warning: comment on exported function QueuedCall should be of the form "QueuedCall ..." (golint)
    • cellnet/examples/echo/proto.go
    • Line 11: warning: exported type TestEchoACK should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 16: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • cellnet/peer/sesmgr.go
    • Line 9: warning: comment on exported type SessionManager should be of the form "SessionManager ..." (with optional leading article) (golint)
    • Line 21: warning: exported type CoreSessionManager should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 29: warning: exported method CoreSessionManager.SetIDBase should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 29: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 34: warning: exported method CoreSessionManager.Count should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 34: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 38: warning: exported method CoreSessionManager.Add should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 38: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 51: warning: exported method CoreSessionManager.Remove should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 51: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 58: warning: comment on exported method CoreSessionManager.GetSession should be of the form "GetSession ..." (golint)
    • Line 59: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 67: warning: exported method CoreSessionManager.VisitSession should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 67: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 76: warning: exported method CoreSessionManager.CloseAllSession should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 76: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 86: warning: comment on exported method CoreSessionManager.SessionCount should be of the form "SessionCount ..." (golint)
    • Line 87: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • cellnet/peer/udp/session.go
    • Line 11: warning: exported type DataReader should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 15: warning: exported type DataWriter should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 36: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 42: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 48: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 52: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 56: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 60: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 65: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 69: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 80: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 84: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 103: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 108: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • cellnet/examples/websocket/main.go
    • Line 24: warning: exported type TestEchoACK should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 29: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 45: warning: exported const TestAddress should have comment (or a comment on this block) or be unexported (golint)
    • cellnet/peer_tcp.go
    • Line 5: warning: comment on exported type TCPSocketOption should be of the form "TCPSocketOption ..." (with optional leading article) (golint)
    • Line 17: warning: comment on exported type TCPAcceptor should be of the form "TCPAcceptor ..." (with optional leading article) (golint)
    • Line 30: warning: comment on exported type TCPConnector should be of the form "TCPConnector ..." (with optional leading article) (golint)
    • cellnet/peer_ws.go
    • Line 5: warning: comment on exported type WSAcceptor should be of the form "WSAcceptor ..." (with optional leading article) (golint)
    • Line 21: warning: comment on exported type WSConnector should be of the form "WSConnector ..." (with optional leading article) (golint)
    • cellnet/rpc/msg.go
    • Line 3: warning: exported method RemoteCallREQ.GetMsgID should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 3: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 4: warning: exported method RemoteCallREQ.GetMsgData should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 4: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 5: warning: exported method RemoteCallREQ.GetCallID should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 5: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 6: warning: exported method RemoteCallACK.GetMsgID should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 6: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 7: warning: exported method RemoteCallACK.GetMsgData should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 7: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 8: warning: exported method RemoteCallACK.GetCallID should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 8: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • cellnet/peer/gorillaws/connector.go
    • Line 33: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 46: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 50: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 58: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 62: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 81: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 86: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 92: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 174: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • cellnet/peer/http/file.go
    • Line 11: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 17: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 21: warning: if block ends with a return statement, so drop this else and outdent its block (golint)
    • Line 29: warning: error should be the last type when returning multiple items (golint)
    • Line 29: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 81: warning: error should be the last type when returning multiple items (golint)
    • Line 81: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • cellnet/msglog/blocker.go
    • Line 7: warning: comment on exported function IsBlockedMessageByID should be of the form "IsBlockedMessageByID ..." (golint)
    • Line 15: warning: comment on exported function BlockMessageLog should be of the form "BlockMessageLog ..." (golint)
    • Line 16: warning: error should be the last type when returning multiple items (golint)
    • Line 29: warning: comment on exported function RemoveBlockedMessage should be of the form "RemoveBlockedMessage ..." (golint)
    • Line 30: warning: error should be the last type when returning multiple items (golint)
    • Line 43: warning: comment on exported function VisitBlockedMessage should be of the form "VisitBlockedMessage ..." (golint)
    • cellnet/peer/mysql/wrapper.go
    • Line 8: warning: exported type Wrapper should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 16: warning: exported var ErrDriverNotReady should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 18: warning: exported method Wrapper.Query should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 18: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 37: warning: exported method Wrapper.Execute should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 37: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 55: warning: exported method Wrapper.One should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 55: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 82: warning: exported method Wrapper.Scan should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 82: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 92: warning: exported method Wrapper.Each should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 92: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 120: warning: exported function NewWrapper should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • cellnet/peer/sqlparam.go
    • Line 3: warning: exported type CoreSQLParameter should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 7: warning: exported method CoreSQLParameter.Init should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 7: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 11: warning: exported method CoreSQLParameter.SetPassword should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 11: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 14: warning: exported method CoreSQLParameter.SetConnectionCount should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 14: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • cellnet/sysmsg.go
    • Line 5: warning: exported type SessionInit should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 8: warning: exported type SessionAccepted should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 11: warning: exported type SessionConnected should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 14: warning: exported type SessionConnectError should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 17: warning: exported type CloseReason should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 20: warning: don't use underscores in Go names; const CloseReason_IO should be CloseReasonIO (golint)
    • Line 20: warning: exported const CloseReason_IO should have comment (or a comment on this block) or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 21: warning: don't use underscores in Go names; const CloseReason_Manual should be CloseReasonManual (golint)
    • Line 24: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 35: warning: exported type SessionClosed should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 39: warning: comment on exported type SessionCloseNotify should be of the form "SessionCloseNotify ..." (with optional leading article) (golint)
    • Line 43: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 44: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 45: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 46: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 47: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 48: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 50: warning: comment on exported method SessionInit.SystemMessage should be of the form "SystemMessage ..." (golint)
    • Line 51: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 52: warning: exported method SessionAccepted.SystemMessage should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 52: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 53: warning: exported method SessionConnected.SystemMessage should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 53: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 54: warning: exported method SessionConnectError.SystemMessage should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 54: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 55: warning: exported method SessionClosed.SystemMessage should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 55: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 56: warning: exported method SessionCloseNotify.SystemMessage should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 56: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 58: warning: comment on exported type SystemMessageIdentifier should be of the form "SystemMessageIdentifier ..." (with optional leading article) (golint)
    • cellnet/proc/gorillaws/transmitter.go
    • Line 12: warning: exported const MsgIDSize should have comment (or a comment on this block) or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 15: warning: exported type WSMessageTransmitter should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 18: warning: exported method WSMessageTransmitter.OnRecvMessage should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 50: warning: exported method WSMessageTransmitter.OnSendMessage should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • cellnet/proc/udp/setup.go
    • Line 10: warning: exported type UDPMessageTransmitter should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 13: warning: exported method UDPMessageTransmitter.OnRecvMessage should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 24: warning: exported method UDPMessageTransmitter.OnSendMessage should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • cellnet/timer/after.go
    • Line 8: warning: exported type AfterStopper should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 12: warning: comment on exported function After should be of the form "After ..." (golint)
    • cellnet/peer_db.go
    • Line 5: warning: exported type RedisPoolOperator should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 10: warning: exported type RedisConnector should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 23: warning: exported type MySQLOperator should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 27: warning: exported type MySQLConnector should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • cellnet/peer/mysql/connector.go
    • Line 23: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 27: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 32: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 37: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 43: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 47: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 63: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 68: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 72: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 107: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • cellnet/codec.go
    • Line 3: warning: comment on exported type Codec should be of the form "Codec ..." (with optional leading article) (golint)
    • cellnet/msglog/listbase.go
    • Line 16: warning: exported type MsgLogRule should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 19: warning: comment on exported const MsgLogRule_None should be of the form "MsgLogRule_None ..." (golint)
    • Line 20: warning: don't use underscores in Go names; const MsgLogRule_None should be MsgLogRuleNone (golint)
    • Line 22: warning: comment on exported const MsgLogRule_BlackList should be of the form "MsgLogRule_BlackList ..." (golint)
    • Line 23: warning: don't use underscores in Go names; const MsgLogRule_BlackList should be MsgLogRuleBlackList (golint)
    • Line 25: warning: comment on exported const MsgLogRule_WhiteList should be of the form "MsgLogRule_WhiteList ..." (golint)
    • Line 26: warning: don't use underscores in Go names; const MsgLogRule_WhiteList should be MsgLogRuleWhiteList (golint)
    • Line 29: warning: exported type MsgLogMode should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 32: warning: comment on exported const MsgLogMode_ShowAll should be of the form "MsgLogMode_ShowAll ..." (golint)
    • Line 33: warning: don't use underscores in Go names; const MsgLogMode_ShowAll should be MsgLogModeShowAll (golint)
    • Line 35: warning: comment on exported const MsgLogMode_Mute should be of the form "MsgLogMode_Mute ..." (golint)
    • Line 36: warning: don't use underscores in Go names; const MsgLogMode_Mute should be MsgLogModeMute (golint)
    • Line 38: warning: comment on exported const MsgLogMode_BlackList should be of the form "MsgLogMode_BlackList ..." (golint)
    • Line 39: warning: don't use underscores in Go names; const MsgLogMode_BlackList should be MsgLogModeBlackList (golint)
    • Line 41: warning: comment on exported const MsgLogMode_WhiteList should be of the form "MsgLogMode_WhiteList ..." (golint)
    • Line 42: warning: don't use underscores in Go names; const MsgLogMode_WhiteList should be MsgLogModeWhiteList (golint)
    • Line 45: warning: comment on exported function SetCurrMsgLogMode should be of the form "SetCurrMsgLogMode ..." (golint)
    • Line 52: warning: comment on exported function GetCurrMsgLogMode should be of the form "GetCurrMsgLogMode ..." (golint)
    • Line 59: warning: comment on exported function SetMsgLogRule should be of the form "SetMsgLogRule ..." (golint)
    • Line 80: warning: comment on exported function IsMsgLogValid should be of the form "IsMsgLogValid ..." (golint)
    • Line 86: warning: if block ends with a return statement, so drop this else and outdent its block (move short variable declaration to its own line if necessary) (golint)
    • Line 92: warning: if block ends with a return statement, so drop this else and outdent its block (move short variable declaration to its own line if necessary) (golint)
    • Line 103: warning: comment on exported function VisitMsgLogRule should be of the form "VisitMsgLogRule ..." (golint)
    • cellnet/relay/broadcast.go
    • Line 3: warning: exported type BroadcasterFunc should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 7: warning: comment on exported function SetBroadcaster should be of the form "SetBroadcaster ..." (golint)
    • cellnet/relay/proc.go
    • Line 9: warning: exported type PassthroughContent should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 15: warning: comment on exported function ResoleveInboundEvent should be of the form "ResoleveInboundEvent ..." (golint)
    • Line 60: warning: comment on exported function ResolveOutboundEvent should be of the form "ResolveOutboundEvent ..." (golint)
    • cellnet/peer/gorillaws/session.go
    • Line 32: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 37: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 45: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 50: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 54: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 71: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 112: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 143: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • cellnet/tests/gracefulexit_test.go
    • Line 13: warning: don't use underscores in Go names; const recreateConn_Address should be recreateConnAddress (golint)
    • Line 15: warning: don't use underscores in Go names; var recreateConn_Signal should be recreateConnSignal (golint)
    • Line 17: warning: don't use underscores in Go names; func recreateConn_StartServer should be recreateConnStartServer (golint)
    • Line 84: warning: don't use underscores in Go names; const recreateAcc_clientConnection should be recreateAccClientConnection (golint)
    • Line 86: warning: don't use underscores in Go names; const recreateAcc_Address should be recreateAccAddress (golint)
    • cellnet/util/queue.go
    • Line 3: warning: exported type Queue should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 7: warning: exported method Queue.Enqueue should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 7: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 12: warning: exported method Queue.Count should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 12: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 16: warning: exported method Queue.Peek should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 16: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 20: warning: exported method Queue.Dequeue should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 20: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 33: warning: exported method Queue.Clear should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 33: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 37: warning: exported function NewQueue should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • cellnet/peer/http/respond_html.go
    • Line 21: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 26: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 31: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 35: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 39: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 91: warning: exported type HTMLRespond should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 99: warning: exported method HTMLRespond.WriteRespond should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 99: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 129: warning: exported type TextRespond should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 134: warning: exported method TextRespond.WriteRespond should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 134: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • cellnet/proc/procreg.go
    • Line 9: warning: exported type ProcessorBinder should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 15: warning: comment on exported function RegisterProcessor should be of the form "RegisterProcessor ..." (golint)
    • Line 25: warning: comment on exported function ProcessorList should be of the form "ProcessorList ..." (golint)
    • Line 51: warning: comment on exported function BindProcessorHandler should be of the form "BindProcessorHandler ..." (golint)
    • cellnet/peer/tcp/session.go
    • Line 38: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 44: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 50: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 55: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 59: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 79: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 94: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 98: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 115: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 167: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 180: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 220: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • cellnet/relay/event.go
    • Line 7: warning: exported type RecvMsgEvent should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 13: warning: exported method RecvMsgEvent.PassThroughAsInt64 should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 13: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 21: warning: exported method RecvMsgEvent.PassThroughAsInt64Slice should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 21: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 29: warning: exported method RecvMsgEvent.PassThroughAsString should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 29: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 37: warning: exported method RecvMsgEvent.Session should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 37: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 41: warning: exported method RecvMsgEvent.Message should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 41: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 45: warning: comment on exported method RecvMsgEvent.Reply should be of the form "Reply ..." (golint)
    • Line 46: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • cellnet/peer/tcp/connector.go
    • Line 30: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 43: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 47: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 51: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 70: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 75: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 79: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 93: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 165: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 170: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • cellnet/peer/gorillaws/syncconn.go
    • Line 24: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 32: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 63: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 67: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 71: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 75: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 79: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 87: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 92: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • cellnet/tests/rpc_test.go
    • Line 13: warning: don't use underscores in Go names; const syncRPC_Address should be syncRPCAddress (golint)
    • Line 16: warning: don't use underscores in Go names; var syncRPC_Signal should be syncRPCSignal (golint)
    • Line 17: warning: don't use underscores in Go names; var asyncRPC_Signal should be asyncRPCSignal (golint)
    • Line 18: warning: don't use underscores in Go names; var typeRPC_Signal should be typeRPCSignal (golint)
    • Line 20: warning: don't use underscores in Go names; var rpc_Acceptor should be rpcAcceptor (golint)
    • Line 23: warning: don't use underscores in Go names; func rpc_StartServer should be rpcStartServer (golint)
    • Line 47: warning: don't use underscores in Go names; func syncRPC_OnClientEvent should be syncRPCOnClientEvent (golint)
    • Line 77: warning: don't use underscores in Go names; func asyncRPC_OnClientEvent should be asyncRPCOnClientEvent (golint)
    • Line 105: warning: don't use underscores in Go names; func typeRPC_OnClientEvent should be typeRPCOnClientEvent (golint)
    • Line 132: warning: don't use underscores in Go names; func rpc_StartClient should be rpcStartClient (golint)
    • cellnet/peer/http/respond_msg.go
    • Line 8: warning: a blank import should be only in a main or test package, or have a comment justifying it (golint)
    • Line 14: warning: exported type MessageRespond should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 20: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 24: warning: exported method MessageRespond.WriteRespond should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 24: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • cellnet/peer/gorillaws/acceptor.go
    • Line 29: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 32: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 40: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 45: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 51: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 114: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 119: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • cellnet/util/sys.go
    • Line 10: warning: comment on exported function StackToString should be of the form "StackToString ..." (golint)
    • cellnet/peer/peerreg.go
    • Line 9: warning: exported type PeerCreateFunc should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 13: warning: comment on exported function RegisterPeerCreator should be of the form "RegisterPeerCreator ..." (golint)
    • Line 26: warning: comment on exported function PeerCreatorList should be of the form "PeerCreatorList ..." (golint)
    • Line 57: warning: comment on exported function NewPeer should be of the form "NewPeer ..." (golint)
    • Line 69: warning: comment on exported function NewGenericPeer should be of the form "NewGenericPeer ..." (golint)
    • cellnet/rpc/req_type.go
    • Line 10: warning: exported function CallType should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 14: warning: exported function CallSyncType should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 104: warning: exported type TypeRPCHooker should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 107: warning: exported method TypeRPCHooker.OnInboundEvent should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 126: warning: exported method TypeRPCHooker.OnOutboundEvent should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • cellnet/codec/protoplus/protoplus.go
    • Line 12: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 16: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 20: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 26: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • cellnet/tests/signaltester.go
    • Line 8: warning: exported type SignalTester should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 16: warning: exported method SignalTester.SetTimeout should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 16: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 20: warning: exported method SignalTester.WaitAndExpect should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 20: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 47: warning: exported method SignalTester.Done should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 47: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 51: warning: exported function NewSignalTester should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • cellnet/codec/binary/binary.go
    • Line 12: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 16: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 20: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 26: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • cellnet/codec/httpjson/json.go
    • Line 17: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 21: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 26: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 37: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • cellnet/codec/httpform/form.go
    • Line 18: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 22: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 66: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 71: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • cellnet/proc/gorillaws/hooker.go
    • Line 8: warning: comment on exported type MsgHooker should be of the form "MsgHooker ..." (with optional leading article) (golint)
    • Line 12: warning: exported method MsgHooker.OnInboundEvent should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 12: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 19: warning: exported method MsgHooker.OnOutboundEvent should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 19: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • cellnet/peer/http/session.go
    • Line 11: warning: exported type RequestMatcher should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 14: warning: exported type RespondProc should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 19: warning: exported var ErrUnknownOperation should have comment or be unexported (golint)
    • Line 37: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 42: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 46: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 51: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 55: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 60: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 64: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)
    • Line 69: warning: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity; don't use generic names such as "this" or "self" (golint)


IneffAssign detects ineffectual assignments in Go code.

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Misspell Finds commonly misspelled English words

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