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A+    Excellent!    Found 5 issues across 15 files



Gofmt formats Go programs. We run gofmt -s on your code, where -s is for the "simplify" command

No problems detected. Good job!


go vet examines Go source code and reports suspicious constructs, such as Printf calls whose arguments do not align with the format string.

No problems detected. Good job!


Gocyclo calculates cyclomatic complexities of functions in Go source code. The cyclomatic complexity of a function is calculated according to the following rules: 1 is the base complexity of a function +1 for each 'if', 'for', 'case', '&&' or '||' Go Report Card warns on functions with cyclomatic complexity > 15.

    • smt_test.go
    • Line 279: warning: cyclomatic complexity 36 of function TestSparseMerkleTreeDeleteBasic() is high (> 15) (gocyclo)
    • Line 470: warning: cyclomatic complexity 30 of function TestOrphanRemoval() is high (> 15) (gocyclo)
    • Line 12: warning: cyclomatic complexity 23 of function TestSparseMerkleTreeUpdateBasic() is high (> 15) (gocyclo)
    • Line 114: warning: cyclomatic complexity 21 of function TestSparseMerkleTreeKnown() is high (> 15) (gocyclo)
    • deepsubtree_test.go
    • Line 10: warning: cyclomatic complexity 31 of function TestDeepSparseMerkleSubTreeBasic() is high (> 15) (gocyclo)
    • smt.go
    • Line 214: warning: cyclomatic complexity 20 of function (*SparseMerkleTree).updateWithSideNodes() is high (> 15) (gocyclo)
    • proofs_test.go
    • Line 12: warning: cyclomatic complexity 20 of function TestProofsBasic() is high (> 15) (gocyclo)
    • bulk_test.go
    • Line 81: warning: cyclomatic complexity 19 of function bulkCheckAll() is high (> 15) (gocyclo)


IneffAssign detects ineffectual assignments in Go code.


Checks whether your project has a LICENSE file.

No problems detected. Good job!


Misspell Finds commonly misspelled English words

No problems detected. Good job!